How to override or disable Air Play

I have an Integra DRX-4 receiver that I have plugged into a NUC via HDMI running ROCK. When I play music to this endpoint, It comes through using Air Play and thus results in mediocre sound quality. How can I disable or override Air Play in this scenario? I seem to remember stumbling across the solution for this before, but I’ve searched everywhere and can’t find anything now.

In Roon, there should be 2 different audio paths, one for the HDMI and one for Airplay. Make sure you are using the HDMI zone and not the Airplay for playback.

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That was it and I should have seen that. I was too quick to select when I saw the name of the receiver. What I needed to do was select the proper HDMI selection under the “Connected to Core” section. Thanks for the quick answer.