How to use Roon without Internet

If I had a bunch of local files to play and my internet went out frequently, I would purchase a lifetime subscription to Audirvana Origin and be happy. Use Roon with internet and Audirvana when my internet is down. How simple is that?

EDIT: Of course, there are other alternative players, some of which are free, but Audirvana is an excellent product and worth the $119.99 price IMHO.

EDIT2: It’s an easy problem to solve. You just have to want to solve it. I run Roon on Nucleus, Mac Mini, and laptop. I run Audirvana on laptop.

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Not as simple as ‘Foobar2000’ or VLC which are free.

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The problem is when you run Roon with a dedicated NUC… in that case you are simply NOT free to switch to different player… and this 2.0 put a SERIOUS limit at user freedom to use his own music, payed and stored locally, when and how he likes… that is bad, no excuse


Laptop / Computer + external drive and use audirvana or something else.

Plenty of streamers support playback from usb storage as well.

Like my Cambridge cxn v2. Small display and plays local files from a drive with a remote app. Easy enough.

Or get a turntable/ cd player or a DAP for such emergency cases :slight_smile:


I can manage it without Roon quite easily. May not get gapless but for these zones it’s no deal breaker.

I have three copies of my music, one copy on my Synology NAS and use MinimServer, its a great UPnP Audio Server. I stream to my Naim streamer/DAC or straight to Hegel Amp, Done! I still have Qobuz through phone. I done rely on these guys - I did fine without them, Roon is just a pretty interface!!!

I also have a backup for no internet.
My Roon Server is on a Mac mini.
All my ripped cds and purchased downloads are in ALAC format, and I have an Apple Music library with the same files.

If/when internet is out, I just open Apple Music and my library is just right there.

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Are you thinking of JPlay ?

I read a few comments about it on the forum (not very flattering ones) I never tried it

You are completely missing the tongue in cheek tone in DaveN’s post. He is tacitly referring to Roon itself in an earlier iteration.


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OOPS , it is a bit early here not enough coffee yet :smiling_imp:

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The OP’s use case will work just fine in the latest release:

This was reverted back to 1.8-like functionality.