HQP NAA - CuBox-i

Slight troubles in paradise: using @jussi_laako’s image, I found that the NAA disappeared from HQP after a (longish) period of inactivity. Same when turning off the iDSD nano and turning it on again. A restart of the Cubox fixes things. Possibly a sleep issue with the nano and/or no hotplugging support?

Anyway – since I already planned on rolling my own, I flashed the Armbian Debian Jessie release for Cubox to a card, upgraded Jessie to Stretch and installed the networkaudiod.service manually.

It has been rock stable for the last 24 hours and (added bonus!) I can just turn off the nano when I want to. HQP falls back to the SPDIF NAA temporarily, but as soon as the nano is turned on again, it is autoselected again by HQP.

Note for whomever may try the same: at first, networkaudiod failed to load at boot because the alsa initialisation had not finished yet. I managed to solve this by forcing the networkaudiod.service to load after network and sound, by adding ‘After=network-online.target sound.target’ to the [Unit] section of /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/networkaudiod.service.

Somehow I find this perversely satisfying:

But of course, the best part is viewing it while listening to some sweet, sweet upsampled DSD on my trusty AKG’s…

Now, @andybob – what about that BeagleBone? :slightly_smiling:

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