HQPlayer and the iPhone

Hello, I have a question, is it possible to use HQPlayer, an iPhone will be used as a bridge to the DAC, but link between HQPlayer and the iPhone, thanks in advance for the answer

No, not at the moment…

What would be the use case? Why?

Thank you very much for the answer. I sometimes use an iPhone at home as a roon bridge to a portable DAC amplifier for headphones

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I can see a few use cases: old iDevices stuck in drawers could become handy NAA’s easily. I would like using my iPhone 15 to run NAA when USB-connected to my Focal Bathys – it would make for a nice ultra-portable listening solution around the house (or office).

That said, the feasibility of running NAA on iOS is beyond my comprehension skills. But you asked for use cases. :smiley:


Would be Easiest wireless NAA to setup

With Roon can use iOS as endpoint with screen off, surely NAA is easy too

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Bits and pieces for that are there. But a phone app typically requires a GUI. And people would ask for such. And that is quite some work to do. Plus dealing with Apple’s App Store which is huge pain…

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I echo this and have very similar thoughts, well dreams - portable solution around the house. Ok there may be no bit-perfect / native dsd dongles, but HQP is anyway a booster. Plus for mobile NAA the DSD (DoP) limitation at @256 is quite OK. Matching with mobile CPU and wireless banwith if one prefers DSD that is. As for the GUI if that is needed - black screen? or just a blunt blank page in preferred Signalyst color gammut with logo ? People would know all they need from control applications anyway.

Appstore is another strory, of course, adding this to already crazy workflow around current ecosystem looks like a heavy addition…

Dreams, dreams and wishes… I don’t see this anywhere near critical development pass at all.

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Getting something like that past the Apple app reviews for App Store would be a challenge of it’s own!

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