HQPlayer REW Tutorial Parametric EQ

Looking good.

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You can use same method that @David_Snyder goes through here:

Just make sure you delete these files from your Roon library soon as you finish - you do NOT want this to play during Roon “shuffle” :smile:

Basically you need a separate laptop/PC to run REW to ‘listen’ to the Roon+HQPlayer chirp test file that you play

I always do this after I create my room correction files.

His YouTube page has some good Acourate videos to get quick results, good for intro / beginner. Then you can spend days/weeks/months/years getting better :smile:


Wow! Genius idea! Practically each correction will May/vary also depending on HQplayer settings too! Thinking now on a naming convention for each EQ correction curve :laughing:

So in my case I will compare the response with the original sound with EQ off see how the new EQ enabled.