
Trying to add WBAI radio using:
getting a message that "Roon could not find a station at this URL.
Is the format I’m copying somehow wrong? I’m able to listen to it on my laptop directly using this address.

Hello @Ronald_Kalvaitis , I’ve added WBAI for you, please check if OK.

(Roon needs the actual stream URL - a web page containing it won’t work)

Hmmm… When i go to the above web address and hit play the URL doesn’t change. I can’t seem to add it. What address did you use to add it? when I do a search on Roon radio WBAI doesn’t come up. Thanks for trying to help me BrianW

Search for WBAI with the magnifying glass, top right.

I’ve just played it, no problem.

Thanks BrianW, That did it. I was using the looking glass that was about an inch or two below that one.

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