I can't login to Tidal

Comparing my logs with those of another user (and the request I made from the NodeJS script) I noticed something. My Roon logs don’t include the required Tidal API token as part of the request!! See my logs:
Trace: [tidal/http] POST https://api.tidalhifi.com/v1/login/username => Success
vs this user:
Trace: [tidal/http] POST https://api.tidalhifi.com/v1/login/username?token=Imi5DLPIAVRmszdL => Success
and while investigating how the NodeJS library works, it also makes a request inlcuding a token:
url: 'https://api.tidal.com/v1/login/username?token=wdgaB1CilGA-S_s2',

A missing parameter in the request like this would explain why the response doesn’t contain the userId like expected.

Why might Roon forget to include this required parameter in it’s requests?