I don't agree with censoring the forum to make Roon look better

I don’t agree with censoring the Forum to make Roon look better either. Fortunately I don’t think it’s happening.

Although the allegation is made in broad terms, the evidence seems restricted to threads to do with one issue - folder browsing. So far as I know all the non-infringing posts that have criticised Roon about this issue remain up and can be read by anyone interested enough to search.

In fact, because Roon specifically ask moderators to tread lightly on posts critical of Roon compared to other posts, there are probably marginal or lightly infringing posts that remain up.

After four years in which anyone who wanted to say something about the issue has fully explained their position threads have been closed and moderators asked to refer future posts on the topic to Roon’s published final position.

The problem with continued discussion in threads on this topic is that it steps on the Roon posts and new users can miss them.

Does this constitute censoring the Forum to make Roon look better ? I’d like to think that if I was setting out to do that I’d do a better job than leaving all the critical posts on open display.