I don't agree with censoring the forum to make Roon look better

This is a lesson I’ve learned about the Roon forum. In some forums, what Danny describes is the norm, and it is how things are done. It is what I knew before I regularly posted here. You feel you have to grab attention.

The Roon forum is different. While there is still humor and fun to be had, folks are a bit more literal and serious here generally. That may just have to do with the international nature of the community, where sarcasm and cynicism don’t always translate well.

Whatever the reason, in the end I think it makes for a healthier community because there is more of an expectation that people think about what they say and be able to back it up.


@James_I -

I might be misremembering , but several months ago didn’t you have some outrageously titled post about Roon really sucking and the support is terrible, or some such thing?

Roon mods never touch the post title and whoever it was that titled it, later changed the title and said he only did it to get attention.

Nevermind, I found the post -

That was my first post and what I was referring to about the culture of this forum. Yes, it was my idea to change the title from “a shot across the bow…” to “a bouquet of flowers…”

The substance of the post generated a lot of interesting discussion, but I did notice that a lot of people were simply put off by the title. (It had nothing to do with Rook sucking and the support being terrible…quite the opposite actually).

I still stand behind that post. IMHO Roon should put more effort towards interoperability with how people have organized and curated their collections. I suppose that goes toward folder access as well but that isn’t what I was referring to at the time. It was the fact that generally whatever we put into Roon doesn’t come back out if Roon disappears.

Anyway, good memory Slim, that was 3 years ago!

Yeah, that was it. I stand corrected.

Damn, I’ve been in this forum that long. :laughing:

We’ve all learned things since then. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hyperbole has been used as a rhetorical device at least since the Greeks. There is a good description in the wiki here, from which this extract may help you to understand why someone might use such a device:

“Understanding hyperboles and their use in context can further one’s ability to understand the messages being sent from the speaker. The use of hyperboles generally relays feelings or emotions from the speaker, or from those who the speaker may talk about. Hyperbole can be used in a form of humor, excitement, distress, and many other emotions, all depending on the context”.

You are not correct when you ascribe such language to a character trait, or read it as being “hot-headed”. You just do not understand how many people, from Plato, through The Bible to Boris Johnson, use natural language.


If the hyperbole is antagonistic to the intended audience then ultimately it risks being ineffectual or even counter productive.


… my ancestors had some foresight. :smile:
25 years living in the UK has tempered this with a good dose British reserve but I quickly readjust when back home. My (also) visiting British friends comment that when they see us interact they think we are about to punch each other when in reality we are just ‘mildly’ discussing football… :rofl:


The difference between a Mediterranean and a Northern European! It is one challenge “live” but another in a forum to sync up culturally.

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If “mental illness” was hyperbole, was the entirety of the post sarcasm?

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If one really wants to persuade people, use a compelling argument. That’s done all the time on this forum.
You can pretty reliably alienate people with snarky behavior. But it can often move a few people in your direction as well. It surely can work.
When one mixes the two, I don’t know what you get and don’t really understand why folks do it other than it must feel satisfying in some way. If you have a compelling argument, just play the hand straight.

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Please lock this thread down.

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Is that a joke? Or why? Kind of a bizarre request, especially given the subject. Perhaps I need some caffeine if that was intended as humor and if so, sorry for not getting it.


I was keeping in tone with the thread and being ironic. (but seriously it’s growing into exactly what @danny was giving us a reason for shutting down rambling and off topic threads that deviate from the original subject.

I kind of had that thought - sometimes humor doesn’t translate without vocal intonations etc.

In terms of the point on staying on topic - modding threads that have a significant tech or usage point, fine. Moderating a thread like this to keep it on topic is, well, maybe just a bit retentive.

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I can’t argue against that.

I think a thread such as this will run its course, rather than a moderator needing to shut it down for veering off topic. All in all, it has been a very interesting thread, whether one agrees, disagrees, or finds some middle ground.

The discussion has been robust & conducted in good spirit. As such, I tend to think it highlights the topic at hand & demonstrates we can have a variety of opinions, whilst maintaining civility.


Communicating several arguably valid points might be more effective if they were delivered more succinctly. 561 words. Roon staff might take constructive criticism if it’s clear and concise. people neither respond well to diatribes, and don’t have time for them.
Just sayin’.

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