I must be going mad

I was just wondering how long I have to wait.

Usually measured in hours, not days. You have changed to the beta track and rebooted, right?

Yes, it’s beta and rebooted many times. I still have it on auto update but that doesn’t work anyway.

I’m downloading the latest image - 2024.2.0 - as I have a feeling I may need to reflash. I’ll wait another day.

PS I’m having to use my VPN as it won’t download to Philippines otherwise. Perhaps if spockfish is reading that he could resend the beta and I’ll keep the VPN on.

Do not reboot. It will takes hours or even days. Rebooting your unit resets the timer.

Just to be sure: you have at least an 8 gb sd card?

Harry, I assume we are talking about the Beta download? I rebooted about 4 hours ago so you need to resend. I have my VPN on and will leave the PC on overnight as local internet, for some reason, times out as the download speed is nonexistant. VPN is at about 3mbps

I have a 64gb card in the RPi4.

There is nothing to resend. The RoPieee unit checks on a certain interval if an update is available. When that’s the case it will first download the update (in the background), and then show an update notification.

This can take several hours.

OK, I’ll look tomorrow, fingers crossed.

It has downloaded but I think but not showing in Roon. I’ll reflash tomorrow unless Harry has any ideas.

Reflashed the sd card with 2024.2 and it’s now working on 2024.2.

Thanks everyone and Harry in particular.

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