I thought I had seen it all but this is a joke

If you buy a $1,500 power cord (ignoring the hundreds of feet of old crappy Romex in your house), can you claim a purer light from the LED?


Shifted to Audio Gear Talk, but is it, in fact, audio gear ?


It can contain shameful not-on-brand audio gear so …

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The shameful audio brand is already displayed on the empty box.


Lesser products have reviews extolling the astonishing night / day change in enjoyment of ones system sooo… yes. If it brings you audio nirvana I can only assume it is, indeed, audio gear.

For this reason some eejit called it a codpiece in Rugby’s meetup …

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More of a merkin.


Who would not want an expensive piece of adware in their stereo rack? It would be like a mancave without a Bud Light neon sign! Incomplete!

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It actually works, and looks kind of cool. But, a bit pricey…

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I just bought one (LB200) - I need a new bread box :slight_smile:


You can stuff all your spare masks in that useless box.

I just checked and it is Sold Out on the McIntosh site.


The only use I can think of is to use it as some kind of cable storage box thingy….or a place to hide your small gear like switch, etc….in an open rack situation.

Maybe the elevation for gear on top improves sound quality.

And yes this WILL sell as do overpriced blocks to lift your speaker cables or other audio voodoo….

Had the box included two of the infamous meters, been designed to properly support a motherboard and been priced appropriately - this could have been a ‘fun’ addition for any Mcintosh fans. Using the meters for CPU activity and temperature would have been rather interesting. The current design leaves much to be desired - not to mention that there’s no clearly visible use case (pun intended).

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This happens a lot. I remember Hasselblad released a new camera about a decade ago that was a Sony A99 in a Hasseblad case but their price was about 3 times as high.

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At least they went to the bother of putting something that actually does something in their box. McIntosh aren’t even trying.

It’s for the anally retentive who need everything all neat and tucked in.

The web site says the same, but in ad speak -

Fair point. Must have missed the text that suggested to put another electronics component into another enclosure to further restrict airflow - to ensure early failure. lol