I wish there was a nice built in alarm feature

We currently use Sonos because my wife likes to be woken up by bbc radio. I would love to do this via Roon

I have seen that there is a third party developed alarm that warns it could break at any moment and is more for testing. This looks like it only has the ability to play whatever was on last time rather than select a radio station and needs a virtual machine setting up and all sorts.

I wish there was an alarm function built into Roon itself

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I would suggest searching the Feature Request section, and adding your vote to an exist request for the same functionality. Only if you cannot find one, then add a new Feature Request. However, I am pretty sure this request already exists.
LIke this one

The alarm extension is pretty stable and certainly can do much more than you perceive.

You can certainly select a radio station.

Yes it can be a learning curve to set up but like cooking if you can read you can cook.

And the great thing is that once you’ve set it up there are other extensions you can use. My Roon experience is hugely enhanced by Random and Queue Bot.


If you run DietPi on a Pi then setting up Roon Extensions is pretty easy.

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The virtual machine route is easy enough to follow also, this gets dietpi on a Windows machine. Handy if one’s core is on windows.


Try telling my lass that!


Thank you, sorry I misunderstood that as something different. I’ve voted for that.

Thank you, I only saw the limitations from when it must have been earlier on in development. I’m sure I can work it out at some point when I have spare time.

But I still feel that this feature would be a better fit as part of the core product. Waking up to the same music or radio station around the house in our Sonos system is the main thing my wife likes about it. Virtual machines and library plugins to update is t very family friendly for when I’m away, it feels like a hack.

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That is why a Pi running DietPi is a great option. Set it up, put it out of the way and forget about it. Once, you have it setup, you manage the extension in Roon under Settings/Extensions.


I do have a spare pi 2 in a draw, maybe I could use that.
So the plug-in manager doesn’t need to be in the room core?

Hi there,
the topic has already been raised several times. There are always detours to the left and right, why should we use additional devices and operating systems? A simple function at the core is definitely the more sensible one and not rocket science.

I do agree. I’m going to try and find time to tinker this weekend with this 3rd party plug-in which I’m grateful has been developed but I dont want to.

Roon shouldnt need me to setup a virtual machine or setup a separate pi to make a morning alarm work on my speakers. I want it as a Sonos replacement and with Sonos I don’t need to hack something together. It’s just not normal consumer friendly

Right, the first post of the Alarm Clock thread describes the status from 4 years ago. The forum isn’t suited for documentation as editing posts isn’t allowed after some time :frowning:. The thread these days mainly serves as a support thread.

A Pi 2 is perfect for running extensions. Your Roon core and the Pi have to be on the same network (subnet) in order to be discovered.

Instructions for installing the Extension Manager, from which the Alarm Clock can be installed, can be found here. Start off with the DietPi Setup Instructions.