I would like to add about 5 - 6 more radio Greek stations

Good evening from Greece. I am a roon user and I am very satisfied. I would like to ask the following: It has about 10 internet radios, but I would like to add about 5 - 6 more radio stations. Can I do this? Is there this possibility, and if so, how can it be done? One of the stations I would like to have on Live Radio Roon is the following:

Thank you, I look forward to your response.

Hello @Nikos_Tegopoulos, if you are interested in adding Greek radio stations, then please join the team. It’s all very straightforward and we will help you whenever necessary. Just follow the link above.

In the meantime I have added Mancode Radio for you. I would appreciate your checking that it works OK.

Hello Brian. Now I saw your answer.

Thank you very much for adding the Radio Station I requested! Yes, it works perfectly, no problem. Apart from him, however, there are other (7) stations that I would like to add.

I would not want to tire you, can I do it? I am a registered member of the roon community …

No. You have to be a Radio Curator. Follow the link in @dylan’s post above to apply. Keen people always welcome!

Hi @Nikos_Tegopoulos,

As Brian mentioned, you can sign up here to be a member of the Curation team. This will allow you to add stations to the directory using our curation tool. We’d be happy to have you on the team, just sign up and we’ll send next steps soon!

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