If You Use Tidal

Today might be a good day to backup your Roon database and export your Roon library to an Excel file. I also exported to Apple Music, which I do frequently, and always keep Tidal and Qobuz in sync. Just saying…


Ummmm why?

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Tidal finally quits MQA tomorrow July 24. So I guess the suggestion is in case they screw something up like an album disappearing because Tidal failed to match it to a FLAC version.


It’s the 24th already here, just before midday. Tidal change over was completed early this morning in Audirvāna. Still waiting for Roon to be updated.

Just tested: Tidal still plays MQA via Roon and native App. I guess the change will be later in the Day.

Not sure what’s up. Still seeing MQA. For New Order - Technique, only album available is a MQA version. Same for old Cure albums. Don’t think files actually changed. After further review it’s a little bit of a mess. There are still some MQA albums left but also some with MQA tag that have been replaced and can see truly lossless when played back.

I see plenty of albums listed as 16/44 MQA in my library

But try playing them and look at what roon is showing for actual quality. I haven’t done too much digging in but looks like there is at least now 44.1k version where there was none before. The one New Order album is only one so far. And when play thru Tidal, claims to have CD version but still only has the one MQA thru roon. But think issue is when Tidal replaced the albums, the old tagging stayed in place. That how it avoided messing up playlists or favorites.

So I only have Roon ARC at moment and on phone but can see the true source even thru ARC. Can see tagged as MQA but lossless file when played.

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But this is one is still MQA and Tidal doesn’t offer a CD version of it yet. If find a lot more with no option for CD version, will switch back to Qobuz. But if just a few, then assume fallout from the switch over.

Every (!) Album I’ve tested, still has MQA in the Signal Path in Roon. Edit: One 24/48 MQA Album was replaced with 16/44.1 FLAC.

Have you checked within Tidal? I’m wondering if there’s an issue with Todal sending update out to roon. Like how when Max was updated on their app but roon still had different version. Either way, it’s a bit of mess. If doesn’t get fixed shortly, will end up back at Qobuz.

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Yes, in the Tidal App it shows 16/44.1 FLAC High. Maybe they have just removed the MQA Flagging?

it must be the tag, full flac signal but still mqa in the stream info!?

In the Tidal app nothing of mqa to see anymore…so behind the file on the tidal server there must be something like A tag with the word mqa in it…roon still see that

I think within Tidal, they purged all MQA but still have issue of MQA versions hitting roon. My issue is still finding a few cases where there is no CD version available on roon yet.

Hopefully this won’t require an update on roon to receive the correct files from Tidal. That it’s just a delay of Tidal completely removing them from their servers.

Maybe. I’m sure we will hear from the Roon Team soon about this topic.

not all the Tidal music is in flac.

I saw something like this earlier this morning. Double check your Tidal setting for both wifi and mobile. I had my mobile on low and was showing the same thing. This album shows as lossless.

And same thru roon.

there are 2 version of this song…96 and flac…

so tidal have still not al the songs in flac…:wink::flushed: