IFI Audio xDsD Gryphon DAC connected to ipad running Roon remote

I am running roon remote on Ipad pro 2021 M1 and have a usb-c cable attached to the IFI Audio xdsd Gryphon DAC
On the signal path on the roon remote software it states that output is only Apple ipad and headphones…the Ifi audio xdsd gryphon DAC is nowhere in the signal path…this on PCM tracks and MQA tracks…
Is this normal?

@Mitesh_Doshi, the behavior seems normal. I just tested this with a Dragonfly Black attached to an M2 iPad Pro and was able to play everything correctly via USB C connection kit attached to the iPad. Is your signal on the Gryphon showing the correct information?

@Robert_F, the Gryphon is showing the correct information MQA when a MQA track is played and PCM when a PCM track is played on the Roon remote…it’s roon remote on the ipad not showing the Gryphon DAC in the signal path…