Impossibly Large Music Collections

Organically, I’m identifying the following patterns - this is just an initial take, and will require refinement, of course! I would love input!

Type I: People who collect only the music they like, and discover new items through browsing (radio, song samples, reading, streaming services, etc.) They may discover deep tracks in their collections through random play and “Discover” features as well.

Type II: People who collect not only the music they like, but also other non-vetted music “on the if come,” to play on random or have on hand for the future.

Type III: People who collect not only the music they like, but also other non-vetted music just to browse and have because they simply like to collect and browse.

Type IV: People who just collect music, whether they like or not, simply because they like to collect and browse.

Again, this probably isn’t perfect just yet, but it’s what I am feeling after reading all the above. How might others offer additional insight?