Improve the Improve Function

The Improve function has been a massive improvement to Roon functionality. How about adding an option to find Remasters (NOT Re-recordings! Aaagh!). I find these while playing Amazon Music Unlimited, and then search for them on Qobuz. Oh, and while I’m at it, when will Roon catch up with Amazon and enable Dolby Atmos/Spatial Audio/360?

I have moved this to Feature Suggestions Don’t forget to vote for your suggestion (click the Vote button that has now appeared at the top of the thread).

Although, remasters should be under the album’s Versions tab anyway, so I’m not sure what you’re asking for. It would help to elaborate for the benefit of the suggestion and attracting votes.

Thank you. Often, a Remaster will appear one one track of an album only, and won’t necessarily be flagged on the album’s Versions tab.

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Why would anyone… well, if one could reverse that to exclude remasters, I am all for it!