Incomplete metadata on Eugene Jochum ICON Boxset

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?

I added one orchestra in Roon.

Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

Local Files. For example:

Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

In short, the MusicBrainz entry for this boxset is not showing up in Roon.

When I identify this boxset I get one choice that matches, and I believe that this is from AllMusic.

AllMusic has only the conductor listed, as primary artist, and no tract information.

This leaves me with all the tracts on all 20 discs correctly grouped but wth only the composer and the conductor credits.

However, MusicBrainz has a very detailed dataset for this release:

But I cannot find a second entry for this release when I search for one when I try to identify the boxset again. Why does this not show up? Is this a mistake? Or Is there a problem with the MusicBrainz entry? I don’t see what it is but I would be happy to edit the entry in MusicBrainz if I knew what needed to be corrected. Then everyone else using Roon with this release would benefit.

MusicBrainz release for Jochum ICON

Hey @CoralRad,

Sorry for your troubles with this set, We’re actually using the Musicbrainz entry for this collection in Roon. Can you please post a few screenshots of the album as it appears in your Roon library? We’d be happy to take a look.

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