Inconsistent statement of birthday for Bettye Lavette

Dear @support:

The short essay on the singer Bettye Lavette and the “Born” tag list conflicting dates of birth. The date given in the essay is in line with what’s stated in


Hey @AEB — I appreciate the report!

It looks like this is coming from our metadata provider, as seen here:

The best option is to make an edit to the artist in your library so that it reflects the correct date. Additionally, if you’d like to submit a correction to the metadata provider to benefit other in the community, you can do so by navigating to the link I shared above and choosing Submit Corrections. You can then submit the correction directly to the provider. Once they’ve corrected this it will take a little time to reflect in Roon.

Thanks again for the report, we really appreciate it!

Hi @dylan:

I wasn’t aware about the option to report directly to AllMusic. Thanks for pointing out. I’ll do so.

Thx, @AEB

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Hi @dylan

I’d need to sign up there to do so. Nothing I really favor. Does Roon provide an option to push such hints to AllMusic without the need for a personal registration with AllMusic?


Hey @AEB,

You can make a manual edit in Roon, but you are not able to submit a correction to AllMusic through Roon. That would need to be done directly from the AllMusic site.