Incorrect Artist Credits for Mark Murphy in Qobuz Discography (ref#UGV5CD)

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Mark Murphy (the jazz singer) has multiple entries in the Qobuz discography for Mark Murphy (bass/cello player) and Mark Murphy (guitarist) and others. I checked MusicBrainz and the data there is correct but in the AllMusic database he is incorrectly credited as a string istrumentalist as well as vocalist. These are different artists, however.

This includes the releases: "Step Stone"-by Walter Michael & Co, "Step by Step"-John McCutcheon, "Hammered Dulcimer: Retrospective"-Walt Michael, "Anatomy of a Poet"-In the Nursery, "Falling Forward"-Willy Porter, "White Water Depot"-Marc Black, "I Struck Gold"-Charlie King and Karen Brandow, 'Small Town Things"- Ben Atkins, "Holiday Express – Greatest Hits" and "Holiday Express Live"-here he is wrong vocalist, "The Treehouse Journals"-Dean Fri"edman, "Welcome Home"-Vickie Russell, "In the Middle of Life"-Bonnie Meadow, "Squirrels in the Attic"-Dean Friedman, "Canyoneer" No Trigger, "Stripes of Sunshine"- Licorice Roots, "Bad Nights/Better Days"-Abbie Gardner & Anthony da Costa, "Cold, Cold Year"-Amy Laber, "Sunset Waltz"-Pat Wictor, "Unbeautiful"-Lesley Roy, "At 89"-Pete Seeger, "The Bridge"-Indubious, "You"-Laura Rae, "Introducing Jesenia Jackson - I'll be your King (Live from MD)"-JESENIA JACKSON, "GreenBirdFlying"-GreenBirdFlying, "Custard wolf"-When Then, "Qual Ln."-Mark Murphy (but wrong artist), "The Irish Folk Sessions" and "The Irish Folk Sessions Vol II" both wrong Mark Murphy, and a few others.

Your help correcting these entries would be appreciated. Thanks!

Also, these 5 entries with Guy Davis are for the bassist Mark Murphy but incorrectly show under the Jazz Vocalist:

Here are screenshots for the releases mentioned in the OP.

Also 7 of these show up under Folk Artist Mark Murphy as well as Jazz Vocalist Mark Murphy (and they are not merged in my library):

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I want to report a metadata issue

I posted previously on the Mark Murphy (jazz singer) entry from Qobuz containing numerous albums for the wrong Mark Murphy(s). I got no response from Roon and the comments were shut down after 14 days. Can someone from Roon look into this?

HI @CoralRad,
I’ve reopened that topic and merged so all the history is together.
Let me tag @support in case it’s been overlooked by them.

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