Incorrect Lyrics


The track ‘Get Over It’ by the Eagles from the album Hell Freezes Over brings up the lyrics from Tequila Sunrise.

I’m playing thus track from Tidal via Roon.


Confirmed. Actually most of the lyrics on that album seem to be attached to the wrong track.

Cheers, Greg

Hi @joel ,

Did you see this?

Cheers, Greg

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This is still an issue. Most of the lyrics for Eagles, Hell Freezes Over are assigned to the wrong tracks.

Cheers, Greg

Thanks for letting us know, @Greg!

It looks like our metadata provider has mixed up the lyrics for some of the tracks on this album. I’ll reach out to them and request a change and let you know when we hear back from them.

Hi Dylan, @dylan
Any news on the metadata of the album “Hell Freezes Over” from “Eagles”.
Thank you for your help, Frank.

Same issue with After The Rain by The Angels on album Face to Face.