Maybe @Jamie can comment , I was just thinking that there is a Roon specific element to your tool. Other software warrants a proper section (JRiver , HQPlayer etc) why not SongKong
SongKong 11.0 Humbug released, please use discount code BRIANSTORM for 20% off SongKong Premium. This release has a new Scripter task that we can use to set any metadata fields to a new value, based on other metadata fields.
if(albumversion.length>0 && !album.contains(albumversion))
album = album + ' (' + albumversion + ")";
Not only that, we can also access metadata directly from the matched MusicBrainz or Discogs release instead of other metadata fields
if(mb_comment.length>0 && !album.contains(mb_comment))
album = album + ' (' + mb_comment + ")";
There are some predefined scripts and we can use these or create our own or any combination
We have another release with nearly twenty improvements and fixes
We are pleased to announce the release of 11.2 Souvlaki, this release focuses on Performers
MusicBrainz Performers
Before we were putting all types of engineers into the ENGINEER field but now they have their own fields as follows:
- Engineer
- Audio Engineer
- Balance Engineer
- Mastering
- Recording Engineer
- Sound Engineer
These can all be added to the INVOLVEDPERSON field as well
MusicBrainz credits can contain attributes e.g these are all Producer credit roles
- Producer
- Executive Producer
- Co Producer
- Assistant Producer
In previous releases we ignored these relations with these attributes (co, executive,assistant) but now we allow them to be added by using the Allow roles with these attributes to be added to their role field option. They are always added to the InvolvedPeople field if the relation is listed in the Add technical roles with their own field to InvolvedPeople field option regardless of what attributes the relation has.
Discogs Performers
Discogs does not distinguish between musical credits and technical credits but we only want to add musical credits to the Performer field. We have made improvements to recognise performers but we now we also add the full list of Discogs credits to the CREDITS field, we can then use Scripter task to do further processing if required.
Now when we match to MusicBrainz we also add Bandcamp Artist Url and Bandcamp Album Url if they exist within matching MusicBrainz release, and these will be used by the Bandcamp task instead of having to search for a match.
Naim UnitiCore Wav Files Importer
We have made two improvements to this process:
- We now recognize user edits made to Genres
- We make use of preferredAuthority to decide if to use Rovi or MusicBrainz, before we assumed the user was always using Rovi if existed.
Would you like a say in about what we add to Songkong next, then please vote in the poll or add a new idea if there is something you would really like to see.
Just created some new video tutorials for SongKong, please take a look, any feedback most appreciated