Hey everyone!
I’ve been playing around with Docker and came up with something I thought I’d share. I’ve put together a Dockerfile that combines Roon Server and Tailscale, giving you secure remote access to your Roon ARC. The cool part? From the docker-compose file, you can choose between the Early Access or Stable version of Roon—whatever suits your fancy!
Oh, and did I mention? Tailscale can be fully configured right from the docker-compose file. No need for extra hassle!
Why did I do this, you ask? Well, I saw Roon Rock with UEFI and Tailscale making an appearance, and thought, “Hey, why not give this a spin and build my own Docker version?” So, here it is—my take on making life a bit easier for us tinkerers.
Just a heads up: I’m not a professional developer, just a self-taught hobbyist having fun. So if you run into any issues, I’m here to help, but please, go easy on me.
Feel free to try it out, and let me know how it works for you. And if you have feedback or suggestions, don’t hesitate to drop a comment!