Introducing the next evolution of Roon Ready tech!

So we’ll finally see the “input device” that @danny and @brian have been talking about a long time ago.

I wanted that badly, but it took forever so I gave it up and sold all my vinyl and players some time ago. I ripped a few albums with VinylStudio. Sound was excellent, but I wanted to play albums rather than rip them. Relay would work fine for playing, but that is too late now.

I still hope a RPI can be used as a DIY Relay. Maybe someone can finally make a high quality ADC HAT?

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So how do you control Apple playing on a computer in one room and your Roon Ready player is in a different room ? Will HQ player change sampling rates or would that lossless switcher for a Mac do the trick?

I’m guessing this won’t be released as software and will only be available in new devices?

Nobody knows. I can see pros and cons for Roon with either.

This please

This would be a game changer

AFAIK only hifiberry has a dac hat with adc line in as wel
But a adc hat on a rpi would be awesome

No, use RooPlay it exists and works now. Totally overblown announcement for mid-fi turntable vendor.


@davidh I highly doubt that will happen. Jamie’s post notes legacy formats and wired devices so it will not likely give you anything more than advance and back one track and pause and play. I doubt it will show what is playing but it could using music detection services available today like shazam. So if you want a high functioning streaming service then you will have to wait or move to Qobuz or Tidal. I see that KKBox was added but I do not know what that is… I personally use spotify through the libraspot entrypoint. Its fine but unstable so sometimes you have to hit play more times that you would like and you have to start spotify first so its a bit finicky.

@goat I have 2 hifiberry’s with ADC and they are awesome. I run my record player and aux in through them. Huge fan. I have 4 hifiberry dacs and the sound sync’d through out my house and back yard is awesome with out paying 1000s for every room.

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How is Roon going to make this better than what’s available now and works such as audio entry point or rooPlay?maybe get rid of the delay by routing it to a radio station? It’s a nice feature for sure to input outside sources into the Roon ecosystem and to be able to use Roon DSP. Seems Roon is playing catch up. Bluesound has had this for a while. They had/have a device that will input an outside sources into their ecosystem,


Bang&Olufsen has been doing this as well, for quite a long time.
But unfortunately, apart from Apple AirPlay, Spotify Connect, Google Cast, TIDAL Connect, B&O Radio, Deezer … nothing else for years.

Beoconnect Core, Turntable and TV Speaker Hub - Bang & Olufsen

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Since Bluesound is also Roon Ready, this hub could be made Roon Relay… that would be nice…


Exciting for sure, but I’ve been doing this for a couple of years already by using the excellent rooPlay Roon extension. The only downside to rooPlay is that it adds ~8 seconds of latency. This is generally not consequential, and can even be beneficial with vinyl playback as it gives me time to return to my chair after dropping the needle.

Reference: rooPlay - From LP, CD and iPhone to Roon


Even Devialet has this function for their Phantom speakers. The Arch can handle vinyl or line signals and transfers audio over the network.
It’s about time Roon does this. I repeat myself here, but a DIY with a PI would be nice and let me add: lower the latency!

21 posts were split to a new topic: Was it right?

Ok I split out the totally off topic posts of late to it’s own thread in feedback.
Let’s keep it where it needs to be please.
Thank you for your cooperation.


Be nice is roon ready devices with pre inputs could be made to work with this…

Lumin, NAD, and Sim Audio Moon and some others come to mind.

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I don’t get digitizing ticks and pops from a turntable for roon playback. digital to analog to vinyl to analog to digital to analog. This will further move the sound quality needle in roon.

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Will this extra analog to digital to analog make a difference?

My vinyl playback is probably a purists nightmare!

MC cartridge / Step up transformer/ RME ADI2/4 pro

The RME does A2D, and then does the RIAA eq in the digital domain.

Can either then playback directly via D2A in the RME - or via RooPlay to another roon endpoint.

RooPlay can also capture the digital stream for digitising vinyl for editing and saving in roon.

RIAA is quite hard - so there are some arguments in terms of accuracy and stereo matching of doing it digitally.

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Unfortunately that is not possible, because Lumin P-series inputs do not go through the CPU (that runs RAAT SDK).