This is the second of my ideas that has been picked up by Roon and integrated into their Core. The first one was rooHead, now rooPlay.
I’m a bit disappointed by Roon to see this happening without getting in touch with me or Jaakko Pasanen who is proving the Headphone Database for free. Roon just copied it and re-released it under their own name now, all without his knowledge! Not so nice @enno!
Microsoft did the same thing several times many years ago. One of their victims was Lotus123 which was killed by Excel. Maybe Roon is targeting me now
The headphone database is using the MIT license and this is precisely what the purpose of the MIT license is (provided that Roon left the copyright notice intact). If they don’t like this, they should have used a different license.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
I didn’t say that Roon violated the regulations. I just think it was not so nice that Roon didn’t even talk to the author, who put so much energy and passion into it.
He asked me to donate 10% of the revenue I make to a social cause. Perhaps he would have been happy with a similar gesture from Roon.
The author chose a license that grants everyone unlimited rights to the software. Roon exercised the rights. MIT licensed software has been copied all the time without talking to anyone for half a century.
There are other licenses that require just that. He should have chosen such a license if this is what he wanted.
You are arguing legally and that is completely correct. I am arguing based on friendly interpersonal relationships.
If my neighbor’s car is parked in front of my garage, I can have it towed and that’s OK. But I can also politely ask him to move the car, which he probably will because he may have parked there by accident. That would be nice
I guess you understand the difference and I just appreciate nice guys
I detest it when people choose a license and then turn around to complain if people choose to exercise the rights given by the license. It’s unfair to the licensees and it undermines the very license that was chosen.
I think it was more to do with PlexAmp having AutoEQ built in than your extension. As for RooPlay I believe Entrypoints came first in 2020 and is free of charge and offers the same functionality as yours pretty much.
It is my personal opinion that I would have been happier if Roon had chosen the path of friendly cooperation. I don’t think I need to say anything more about that now.
There just are people who don’t get the difference between legal requirement and common courtesy, or between complaint and an observation made out of disappointment…
And then there are people who don’t understand what a free software license is for, apparently. So if I exercise rights that are explicitly granted by the license I get slagged off on the internet? Just no.
I guess if something is not copyrighted or patented, it’s free game. I can see the hurt feelings, but it’s business, not a friendship. To contact you in advance might imply they owe you something.
I do see the point that it would have been courteous to just advise DrCWO that functionality he provides as a commercial add-on will be available in Roon as standard.
I see the point that DrCWO has added value to Roon users with his extensions and it is how he makes money. I think a courtesy message in his direction would have been good, I think that’s just polite given his extensions have added value and may even have retained subscribers to Roon.
I get that this is business and no one was obliged to do so, but the vibe Roon try and portray is one of a community, not merely transactional.
They have opensourced OPRA as well, not sure what license it is though. So not quite so money grabbing. Relay type functionality has been around for free since 2020. But both will affect DrCWO income, but at this point we have no idea as to what extent Relay will be released as or if it needs extra hardware etc.