iPad OS17 public beta

Any userexperience with this?

I have been using the developer releases of iOS 17 and have had no problem running the Roon client. Note I am also running the “Early Access” iPad client…

So far no problems here either. Also on early access.

How about ARC on iOS public beta? Want to install the beta but no ARC would be a show-stopper.

If you’re running an alpha, beta, …, or any other greek letter of a piece of software and you’re worried something might break, then it is not for you. Best to stay with the latest stable version in that case.

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I’ve been running ios 17 developer on iPhone 12 with no ARC issues.

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People are just trying to find out if anyone has experienced problems. I see no problem with asking about it. Doing so does not indicate fear or worry…


No problem to ask about it, but if the occurrence of an issue is considered a show stopper, then there is worry. There can always be issues with Beta software, if not today then tomorrow.

Personally I’d only recommend beta software if issues are not considered a severe problem. A few weeks ago at work, people emailed us about issues with our software literally 30 minutes after the macOS 14 Beta appeared, highly agitated and saying “I rely on this for work”. Well, then just don’t install a beta 30 minutes after release