Roon is very different from its initial release, the product has improved tremendously over the years. Although, I still morn the loss of some of the original features that got me to fall for the product. But, that is life.
If you have been around for awhile, you begin to notice some release trends. Here are the release dates for the major Point versions.
Major Point Releases
Roon 1.0…May 2015
Roon 1.1…August 2015
Roon 1.2…April 2016
Roon 1.3…February 2017
Roon 1.4…December 2017
Roon 1.5…May 2018
Roon 1.6…January 2019
Roon 1.7 (?)
Looking at the list it shows that 10 month or so breaks between major point releases are not uncommon for Roon’s history. As Roon has added more features, I would imagine that major point releases will begin to slow down for a couple of reasons, including the added testing complexity.
Finally, I do want to say that, Roon can improve even when there is not a User update. One of the major changes that arrived in 1.6 were back-end changes that included meta-data processing, Roon Radio updates and search. Roon has said that they would continue to refine, tweak, and improve those functions. However, those improvements would be to the servers, so you would not see any releases or notes on the continued backed work and improvements. You hopefully would notice it in the results, though.