Is some sort of Wiki possible for us to contribute to re album info?

The current info offered and the associated links with identified albums is excellent as far as it goes.

However I often find my curiosity raised about certain classical works and would like to know more about them and/or the artists involved. So, currently I can do Google searches to learn more. My thought is if it would be possible to save this for other Roon users to also see and contribute to.

What I have in mind is a big star top right of the album display which, if selected, would take us to an extra page or pages of information on the album, contributed to by registered Roon users.

This extra information must cite the author to avoid copyright infringements and note who posted it. I suggest that no personal opinions of Roon contributors be allowed, only extra information from other net sources.

Moderating this should not be difficult with a tag there to alert the moderator to anything inappropriately posted. And I should add that this could easily add interesting data about jazz and other genre, not just classical. I for one would be keen to contribute to such a database.

Does this idea have any merit or be possible to implement?


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Another interesting path to explore might be including content - it would also be easier to maintain since moderation would already be done “outside”. A side effect would be that musicbrainz data gets a little push too.

A further thought on this issue.

There are unidentified albums about which there is no information. The star link suggested above would be a source to place information for me for the future. However, I’m unsure if this is possible for an unidentified album.

The alternative is for me to create my own personal database. Would it be possible for a star link on a Roon album page be created for that to take me to that folder? That way I could add in all sorts of useful data for unidentified albums. And I should add that many remain unidentified because they are in large sets so using the up/down arrows to lock them in is effectively impossible.