Is The Nucleus the Best Buy ever?

I’ve been happily using Nucleus for around two years now and, happy as I am with it, I wouldn’t say it’s the Best Buy. To this day, I struggle explaining why the cost is worth it, even to myself.

However, I’ll say this: as I fill my house with technology (robot vacuums, security system, smart whatever you can imagine… there are only two things that never ever fail, the Nucleus and the Bluesound Powernode.

I’m not sure that justifies the price difference over other solutions, maybe other solutions are just as reliable, but that’s the key strength of the Nucleus for me.

All of what you are saying is true, my main point is that the Nucleus is designed to run Roon more optimally than any computer that is out there.

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From a usability point of view, I agree, it’s an optimal solution, but I don’t think it provides a better technical solution than a NUC.

Maybe the passive cooling.

Of course, it’s not. It’s only useful in the context of Roon environment. There’s no technical breakthrough here, it’s just a turnkey solution.


No, you can’t say that. All you can say is that the Nucleus is designed to run Roon specifically. The Nucleus does not use that great a CPU nor does it have the fastest memory or the most memory. So, Roon can run more optimally on better hardware even if the OS is not specifically setup to run Roon.

Which one? I think you meant run better on a better hardware, but not optimally? In this case, you pay more for a better machine?

I think you have the M1 Mac Mini in mind, it’s good machine, but Roon does not run optimally on it for a couple of obvious reasons, one is that it is not native.

I have an old Mac Mini, now it is dedicated for the HQPlayer.

That’s said, personally I think the Nucleus is still not a best buy, around $1K maybe it is, but I like it because it is an object of art.

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Following this logic Roon would be most “optimally” run on a super computer?

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It’s all great until it’s not! I had mine for about three years and all was well. Then last October it went completely dead! Sent in, through my dealer, and they replaced my motherboard…which was still under warranty. 8 months later it isn’t working again and this time it’s $720 dollars to replace the same motherboard…with only a 90 day warranty. I hope to get it back soon and not have another issue with the unit. Very frustrating experience with Roon trying to get it fixe.

Just bought a Cirrus7 nimbini fanless NUC :slight_smile: Great stuff :slight_smile: