Is there a better tablet for Roon remote control app than iPad?

More detail please :slightly_smiling_face:
The Amazon fire remote is Bluetooth.

Yes, I also use an Amazon Fire remote. I would search for the features of Remote Buddy. The last time I visited the site, the software (v2) was in a public beta stadium with free trial. Iā€™m using this version without any problems. If your Mac doesnā€™t have an IR receiver, you can also use an USB/IR adapter such as mine:

EDIT: deleted the link, because I donā€™t know If itā€™s allowed to place it here

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Until I can afford to spurge on a 12", I canā€™t imagine a better remote than my iPad.


I am considering getting an iPad. In situations like these, sometimes it is the operating system (iOS for example), the application software which has been lazy in terms of watching for events, and sometimes an oder interaction between the two. In this case it is a bit harder to point the finger at any one party - though that still leaves the user with a problem.

Does anyone have any concrete information about what the case might be here? Donā€™t forget as the application gets ported from one OS to another, ā€˜thingsā€™ can happen :slight_smile:

Just wondering

Iā€™m not sure what any of that means, but you canā€™t go wrong with an iPad, IMHO.

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I am using a Microsoft SurfacePro3 with i5 processorā€¦ (some 6 years old)ā€¦ A search in ebay shows them for for less than 400 usd. A very good choice to consider!


So you have multitasking turned on?
Settings, general, multitasking and dock, allow multiple amps
My iPad Air 1 is very old, has only 16 G memory and takes less than 1 second time reenter the ap from another.
However if I have too many apps open things can get much slower.
I rarely keep more than 4 open at a time, and regularly reboot and completely rebuild the iPad very 3-6 months.
It is just good hygiene.

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My point was that it is sometimes difficult, even from the makers of the software/hardware to understand problem and produce a fix (look at the high CPU utilization topic). Sometimes the fix will cost more than the vendor wants to invest.

That said, I agree, I have been an apple fan since about 1986. My view is that Apple is very common and worth vendor investment. This is not to excuse some of the flawed software they produce, and absence of features that I think would be good.

Iā€™m no expert on iOS, but this behaviour happens in Android too. In Android, I turned off memory and battery optimisation for the App and prevented the kernel from putting the App to sleep. Not had any issues re-connecting to the core after screen lock or switching Apps.

Iā€™m not an Apple fanboy, but an android guy. But if an Apple tablet will be more responsive and faster, Iā€™m willing to go that route. Whatever gives me the very best musical experience is my only goal.

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I bought a few entry level iPads that I keep in different rooms. Theyā€™re all in Guided Access mode and act as dedicated Roon remotes - which means no refreshing. You can grab used ones pretty cheap - the good part is theyā€™ll receive iOS updates for years to come if theyā€™re fairly new.


The speed youā€™re referring to is only with respect to opening apps and switching between apps. Once Roon Remote is running, on any tablet, the speed within the app is dependent on the speed of oneā€™s Roon Core machine. I notice no difference in the speed of Roon Remote whether Iā€™m using it on a first generation iPad Air, a brand new iPad Air (which is super fast in all other respects) or an Amazon Fire HD tablet (which is not so fast in all other respects).

So while I really like my new iPad Air and find it to be a fantastic, state of the art tablet, for use as a Roon Remote itā€™s total overkill. Thatā€™s why I always suggest getting a Fire HD tablet if one just wants a tablet to use as a Roon Remote and the price just canā€™t be beat!

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@anon28286063 : yes, more details please

Thank you. Thatā€™s good advice :+1:

Here I use both android and ios devices.
I use my android phone and my samsung tab s4 as remote and it works perfectly.
I have an old IPad mini 4 fixed on the wall for a display and a quick on/off or volume change (always on and connected to power supply all the time). I am not ios fanā€¦
Last but not least, I have just installed a roodial button (with a msft dial and a rpi), this peace of kit is amazing. Have a look on the forum. I often use it on my desk while working. I love it.
Hoping it can help

Guten ā€œAbendā€ Volker :slightly_smiling_face:,

what do you want to know? Have you read the specification on the homepage of Remote Buddy (v2)?
There You will find the support for many remotes such as different models of the Amazon Fire remote, Logitech IR remotes, the Apple IR remotes, MCE remotes, Logitech Harmony BT remotes and some others.

If you have done this and you can find your remote I will help you as much as I can. I have to say this is an app for Mac only, not for Windows.

It took some time to do the config, so please only ask for my help if you really want to use this feature. I think it will make sense to create a small tutorial, but this will take some days. If roon v1.8 still supports ā€œmyā€ solution, Iā€™m willing to do this next weekend.

Have a nice eveningā€¦
Einen netten Abend nochā€¦

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Doesnā€™t seem to work on the little playlist icons made up of four covers from the playlist albums, Iā€™ve increased that to maximum several times to no avail?

Itā€™s an iPad, MacBook Air has no such issues :blush:

I am talking about an iPad Air version 1 running IOS 12.5. That is the latest I can install.
IOS 11 is the lowest version, I think, that allows any multitasking. Version 13.1 or higher allows more features.
It appears that at least on my iPad if I turn multitasking off I have the issues you mention. If it is on I can open two apps and they both appear to run just fine. Switching is very fast.
I found this. It might help you improve your performance if you have a new enough iPad.

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Yeah. For this use case, Iā€™m seriously considering a rooDial.