Is there any interest in a music files backup solution?

I would love one cloud storage for multi location Roon Server as well as Roon Mobile

I like the idea, but with a large local file library, initial setup/backup is not achievable due to my monthly data upload limit. Can that be addressed by Roon?

Blaze had a partial solution where if your drive failed, you could mail them an HDD and they would send it back to you with your files on it. This would address download limits, but upload limits are affected too.

I would pay a monthly fee if I could initially send you a HDD that could be added to your server, then synced with my existing library once in place.

If not, I will likely just look at the solution of SSD in Nucleus backed up over local network.

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I assume though that this pricing is predicated on backup from a “desktop”. As soon as these online services get a whiff of files residing on a “server” (even SOHO QNAPs/Synology), then their pricing goes ballistic.

It is not.

I’m also interested in a Backup solution. Local backups to a second disk or NAS are okay for me. Cloud Backups are only interesting if I can use one of my existing cloud providers (iCloud, Dropbox, NextCloud).

I learned the hard way, about a decade ago, not to trust RAID for backups. You’re supposed to be able to just swap in a new drive (note, only with the correct RAID configuration), but when/if that fails you have no recourse.

Now, I backup to two portable hard drives. I keep one drive at a friend’s house, so if I lose my copy of the backup, I’ll have another fairly recent one available. That way, I’m protected in the case of fire, flood, or theft.

I don’t have any interest in a service unless it is really cheap (max $100 per year), because external hard drives are so inexpensive now.

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The personal backup plan from Backblaze works with drives attached to your computer. They specifically prohibit backing up network attached devices using this plan.

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Yep, I just thought it was worth highlighting that caveat. It’s not a Backblaze specific thing either. All the cloud providers do a nice line in personal online backup from desktop machines and will rinse you the moment you want to upload from a NAS.

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This is off topic, but just in case somebody really needs this, there are solutions out there to mount a shared folder as a local disc.

Yes, files only… No, not interested.

iCloud, Dropbox are a poor choice for backup. What works best, especially for non-Wintel, is S3 or similar. My preference is Wasabi which is highly reliable and great value. I think I’m paying about $6.00 a month per TB.

Also, any solution should ideally de-dupe and backup chunks not files. The last thing you want is to upload your entire library because you’ve made a global change to metadata.

I think there are solutions out there that could integrate with RoonOS. Duplicacy, which I use, comes to mind but there are others although none I tested came close in terms of performance.

The only thing that may concern me with integral backup is how this would affect minimum specification for the NUC running RoonOS. An initial backup is likely to take days with typical ISP performance (here in the UK.)

I have a mixed local/Qobuz library. Much of my local music is from digital downloads, especially Bandcamp. Although much of that could be in theory recovered from the source, for convenience I rely on a multi-tier sync mechanism (I don’t need access to previous versions). I have two Ubuntu Linux Server fanless bosex, one for my main Roon Core, the other as a backup. Both have 4TB SSD for music files. Those two as well as a Synology NAS are kept in sync with Syncthing (this required some configuration). I back up the main Linux box to IDrive (IDrive allows you to ask for an initial backup via a shipped drive to save network bandwidth; I didn’t need that because I have uncapped fiber internet). I also back up the Synology NAS to USB HDD drives that I (try to) keep offsite.

Still, if Roon were to offer a cloud backup solution, I might go for it to save management hassles.

I‘d be in for an integrated music file backup solution.

Local would be good, a cloud option would be great.

Local should be free - „just another feature“ and hardware is provided by the user. For a cloud solution I’d pay anything around 10 USD / month for 2 TB.

For a mobile streaming solution I’d throw in another 20 USD / month.

And btw, talking about mobile, while a third of my library (around 4500 albums) are local files, 99% of my music is available via streaming (I use Tidal, Qobuz and Spotify). The value is not the music, the value is in the playlists, bookmarks, tagging and history. That I can’t access this information while not at home is a big pain point for me.

But above all I want a stable Roon that works just at home. After 1.8 I am - for the first time in three years and being a lifetime subscriber - thinking about possible alternatives. Problem is: there is none. Yet.


RAID is not backup - never has been, never will be. It can be configured for high performance or high availability.

I have a 12 drive RAID10 array with a 12 bay expansion holding additional hot spares. I still have offsite backup. Why? Because RAID10 only guarantees single drive fault tolerance. If the right 2 drives happen to fail, the array is hosed. I lost a RAID10 array many years ago when 2 drives failed before an array rebuild could complete. Lost an awful lot of data!

My recommendations -

  1. Add a local backup solution. Easy to replace your data when your array fails.

  2. Add offsite backup. Absolute last resort for data recovery if your house burns down or gets flooded, for instance.

Backblaze/Backblaze B2 is cheap and reliable and only costs me about $11 per month for ~10 TB of data.

i’ve been looking for a solution of this king. my roon library is files only (no tidal, no qobuz).
but for one reason or another, i did not like the various options of online backup…:
-too expensive?
-US only?
-yes… also the climate reason, as someone pointed out. even though multiplying personal local HD for backups (that must be replaced from time to time as they get old and/or too small) is not really sustainable…

anyway, yes, i could be interested.
as an aside: roon remote really is another story… i mean, it really must me developed independently.

No cloud local only


Interested if it’s a route into Roon mobile, less interested if it’s just backup.

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Mobile should not be tied to cloud backup.


There are many cloud based and local file backup solutions for Windows PC’s, Linux, Mac, NAS’s, etc. I don’t see any need for a music specific solution, or for Roon to spend development resources on one. People should be backing up all their files anyway.

If you’re talking about a solution specifically for backing up files in the internal ROCK or Nucleus black box environment, that may be worth something to some users. Personally I wouldn’t store music files exclusively in the ROCK internal storage environment even if I were using ROCK, which I may be someday. I keep all my music files–CD rips and downloads–on at least one PC, which gets backed up to a USB drive regularly, as well as on the NAS that runs Roon Core. I’m unfamiliar with how to keep ROCK internal storage synced with external, but I assume there is some way.

If you have a huge collection of high resolution music files you may think differently. But storage is cheap. The one advantage I see to cloud backup is if my house burned down, but in that case lost music files would be the least of my worries.

I can think of 2 other large cases:

  1. Burglary
  2. Electrical damage caused by flooding, bad power, lightning, bad hardware, bad cables, mice, etc…

Interested here. I’ve been using Crashplan for years and doing so primarily for backup of music. It has served me well, but I’d welcome a Roon-based service if it is cost-competitive and expands the scope of Roon functionality (i.e. mobile streaming).