Issue accessing Wikipedia page for Mark Murphy's album "Bop for Kerouac" (ref#NPG8BQ)

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The Wikipedia page for the Mark Murphy album Bop for Kerouac is not displaying.

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ASUS router

Unfortunately, the metadata for this album from TiVo and from MusicBrainz (which we use to match up with Wikipedia) are different enough that they are considered to be two different albums.

If you are not seeing the Wikipedia page link, then I’m guessing that you are picking up the TiVo-based album metadata. Perhaps try manually identifying the album and picking up the MusicBrainz-based one? i.e. The metadata that you are NOT currently using.

I’ve tried all three versions, but the Wikipedia page does not load.

I changed the source again and rebooted and It showed up after I rebooted.

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Yeah, reviews etc. are cached locally.

Interestingly some of the tracks now don’t load the composer and lyricist information. I checked thinking I could edit MusicBrainz, but they are already part of the MusicBrainz entry. And those tracks don’t get identified as composition, so they are not linked. Is there a way to fix this?

I’m afraid I don’t know why that should be. If you are using the MusicBrainz-based album (with Wikipedia article), then you should have good composer credits and composition links (apart from track 5 which has two different compositions linked to it on MusicBrainz).

Ok. I tried a few things.

First I unidentified the album in Roon, and then the compositions were all correctly identified in Roon except for track 1.

But then I noticed that the wrong Mark Murphy, a bassist - not the jazz singer, was being credited for vocals. I edited to the correct Murphy in Roon. Of course, I lost the Wikipedia page, since the album was not identified. So I re-identified the album in Roon, which gave me back the Wikipedia page and I lost all but 3 of the compositions. But the erroneous Mark Murphy, the bassist, was gone.

Not sure what this means. But for some reason, the tracks are not being identified as correct compositions that are in MusicBrainz. I don’t really see any edits I could make in MusicBrainz, other than track 5, to help with composition ID or to make TiVo and MusicBrainz agree.

Anyway, thanks for your help.

Unicentified albums use the file information. I would check the file metadata

I don’t see a problem in the file metadata. The album title, composition titles, composers and the primary artist are all there and match TiVo. When I don’t have Roon ID the album the compositions are found. When I have Roon ID the album the compositions are lost.

But is there a way to tag for a specific “Mark Murphy”? Why does Roon assign the bassist, not the vocalist?

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