Issue with network connectivity and autoconfiguration settings (ref#WMF17X)

Full form submission

Network Setup

I use a single personal router not provided by my ISP

ARC Status

ARC is *Not Ready*

Roon Error Code

“natpmp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”}, “upnp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”} }

Have you successfully located and enabled the UPnP or NAT-PMP settings in your router's web UI?

I've turned UPnP/ NAT-PMP on and ARC won't connect

Select the Diagnostic Keyword or Text String

Something else

Don't give up yet.

I'm stuck. I'd like to create a post to ask Roon Community for help.

"ipv4_connectivity": {"status":"NetworkError","status_code":504,"error":"error: Error: ETIMEDOUT, response code: undefined, body: undefined connected? undefined"},
"external_ip": {"actual_external_ip":"46.ddd.ddd.eee","actual_external_ipv6":"null","router_external_ip":"null"},
"natpmp_autoconfig": {"status":"NotFound"},
"upnp_autoconfig": {"status":"NotFound"}

Hello @Yury_Kochetkov ,

Thank you for your patience while we’ve diligently worked to reach every request for support with port forwarding. The diagnostics you’ve provided suggest that UPnP is not properly configured on your router.

Please first try the following steps:

  • Try to enable UPnP/NATPMP in the web administration interface for the router directly upstream from your RoonServer
  • Try to manually open the port in your router’s port forwarding configuration
  • Make sure the IP/Port matches the Port listed in Roon → Settings → ARC
  • Check for any VPNs or Firewalls that might be interfering
  • Check if your modem is in Bridge mode

If you continue to experience difficulties, please tag the support team and include the following information:

  1. What is the make and model of your modem and router?
  2. Do you have any additional network hardware, like additional routers or managed switches?
  3. Who is your internet service provider and what is your geographic region?
  4. Is your Modem configured in Bridge Mode so that it operates only as a modem or do you have the ports forwarded on both?

Hi Noris.
Thanks for the quick response. I did it many times.
My router is Archer S80. Internet provider Nucleus is connected to CHORD COMPANY EE 8 Switch EU. I don’t us vpn. I have the ports forwarded on both.

Hi @Yury_Kochetkov,

If the switch you’re using has network address translation capabilities, then I recommend bypassing that unit entirely and just hardwiring the Nucleus to your main upstream router.

Additionally, the port you’ve chosen in your screenshot is commonly reserved for ISP activity. I recommend augment the port integer in Roon Settings and any router port forwarding rules.

You’ll also want to inquire whether your service provider has implement carrier-grade network address translation.

ARC relies on cloud services that may not be available in your geographic region at the moment. If you continue to experience difficulty, I recommend exploring an alternative option for cellular connectivity in Tinkering.

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