Issues preparing a NUC11TNHi3 to install ROCK

Hi there,

I have troubles finding the .bio file to update the BIOS of my new NUC Kit. Can you point me to the download?

With the installed BIOS, I can`t set the Boot priority to the SSD. It shows up under Storage, but not in the Boot Priority list. There is only Ethernet v4 and v6 available. The whole BIOS looks very different from the one in the install guide.

Thanks for your help!

Hi Martin,

You can probably skip the BIOS step.

Your SSD has ROCK or different OS already installed?
In case you really want to check the firmware look here NUC11TNHI3 - Support.

Have you used the ROCK installer yet? I believe that until Roon OS is installed on the SSD using ROCK, a new SSD won’t have a Boot partition created, so it won’t show up as a bootable device…

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Hi @Rugby , @maddib and @Geoff_Coupe ,

not worriying about updating the BIOS, only disabling secure boot and the install roon has been the way forward. Erevrything running now :slight_smile: