Issues with Roon Focus Functionality in Displaying Local Music and Duplicates (ref#2N75LM)

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I believe Roon acts in a wrong and confusing way when using Focus.

A friend has a smallish library, say 500 albums added from his Qobuz account and also some 50 albums locally, downloaded or ripped from CD's.
Some of his albums are duplicates.

He was totally confused and asked me why he couldn't use focus to find his local content. He used Focus to show his contents from the USB stick where hos local music is located.
Thing is, Roon only showed a couple of albums, when explorer/finder showed all of his 50 local album folders.
I showed him the setting/pref of "Show hidden" where he then could view all of his (properly identified) albums.

Err #1
When using focus, no albums should be hidden, Focus is used to visualize "everything that matches the criteria"... Unless you chose to always show duplicates and hidden albums this does NOT work, and confuse.

Err #2
The Focus-criteria "Duplicates" is not reversible, which renders some focus actions impossible, such as:
Show me all of my albums which are in MP3-format but NOT duplicates (as in: Which albums do i need to add from Qobuz/Purchase/RIP)

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