Hi All
In the case of the missing Metallica album on release day. Roon ARE looking into it. Nudge nudge wink wink.
I’ve been using Roon since 2020. In this time there are countless threads started which repeat from week to week, day to day on occasion.
Many issues or questions can be answered by Roon’s very well structured knowledge base and from searching historic threads. https://help.roonlabs.com/portal/en/kb/roon-labs-llc
I’m an engineer by trade, if I contact one of my equipment manufacturers and ask a question that is in their product manual, I always get asked “have you read the manual?” 9 times out of 10 it’s in the manual. RTFM - read the flipping manual.
This forum has multiple uses, but very much lately is overwhelmed by repetitive threads. I think the other day there were 5 threads created all about the same issue/topic. In the words of another user “I can’t be bothered to look”. Well, that isn’t me. The threads related to Fritz routers and Roon Arc essentially.
If we did a little research ourselves we would more than likely find the answers we seek.
In doing so frees up the Roon Tech Support team to deal with the real issues and future improvements.
There are many users, including those above who help lots of users with various issues and on the whole are successful in doing so
Returning to the topic of this thread and other threads that involve albums on release day. On a good number of unnecessary repeated posts it was explained this just happens. Yes, maybe a little to often. Roon has explained historically why and a workaround. On the Metallica situation I think there was an issue.
Regardless of this, I wasn’t born, nor grew up with a silver spoon in my mouth. I am not one to expect, demand an issue to be resolved, unless the issue required it. Example.
My arm hanging off and the doctors in A&E just walk by - I’m gonna be shouting from the roof top and kicking up a stink
An album not available on Roon via Qobuz within 2 days - on well, I can listen to it if I buy it on Qobuz or on another service. No women or children are getting hurt so nevermind, it’s not a big deal.
To some, the latter is like your arm is hanging off. It isn’t.
Out of character, I lost my rag today and posted a flippant yawning emoji in reply to a post. I realised it wasn’t the best from me and flagged my own post for moderation and asked for the thread to be deleted. It was deleted. I’ll keep the message from Roon private.
The second time in 2 days I’ve flagged my own posts. Why? To ensure I wasn’t in breach of forum rules.
That thread was announcing that the Metallica album was, you got it, on Roon via Qobuz. Unfortunately others saw fit to drag up the drama again. Why? Pointless.
@gTunes you do appear to have an issue for those who support Roon in a fanboi style. As a Roon user I have a choice.
Use their product and assist them in its use with any problems I may experience. Help others who need help and tell all how good it is. Yeah, Roon is blooming great.
after evaluating the experience and if finding it’s not for you, get off the bus and try something else. Don’t post that you are leaving.
put up and be quite.
use Roon but moan and groan about the slightest miniscule issue that has been answered a hundred times.
I’m number 1. Which are you? This is aimed at everyone.
Time to breath.
I’m a very passionate guy, if you haven’t guessed.
Roon saved my life. Serious, it did.
Music has always been a massive part of my life. In comparison I’ve had it easy so far in my 43 years being on this globe. The last 20 years has been full of loss & grief for my family and I.
Music has been my constant. Discovering Roon was like rediscovering music all over again. Something I can throw myself into again. New equipment, what works with Roon, which sounds best. Ooh! A new streamer, Endpoint etc etc.
What the enhanced experience Roon brings to me is priceless.
The experience it brings to others makes them a little defensive. Why? Because they care.
Tonight when I got in from work, one of my 6 year old twin girls passed me my headphones and said “Love you daddy, what are you going to listen to?”
My 3 girls help me select albums and songs on Roon with me. They have Spotify for Kids on their iPads and their own headphones. We had a headphone party last night.
Being a member of this forum community is an escape mechanism for many I feel. The music threads are great, the other off topic threads are great also, bringing like-minded folk together. Exchanging stories and a joint appreciation of music. This is the Audiophiles/music-first persons Facebook.
Being a forum member is a true pleasure and a privilege.
We all have our own stories and views, and react differently to situations.
I hope you/we can all agree that the music here is the most important of all. Our musical journeys should be shared. Maybe then mutual appreciation can be gained even if we don’t agree with each others views.
Being human is great.
Wow! I got deep here.