John Zorn on Qobuz?

Supposedly, Tzadik Records will be releasing its back-catalogue for streaming on Sept. 29. Anyone know whether Qobuz will be among the streaming services where we will soon be able to listen to the music of John Zorn?

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I don’t have answer, I just remember that almost his whole catalog just suddenly disappeared a few years ago from every platform. I still have a few CDs but never knew what happened. I’d imagine Qobuz will get his catalog since they had it in the past. I used to use one of his albums for headphone testing and that when first noticed everything vanished.

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Just checked and it looks like all of John Zorn is on Qobuz.

It seems that John Zorn’s Tzadik releases will be available on both Qobuz and Tidal. Zorn’s releases on the Japanese DIW label, which include the first ten Masada recordings, do not seem to available for streaming at the moment.

I will be seeing The New Masada Quartet tonight (2023/09/27) at the Village Vanguard in NYC!


I’ve posted a fair amount of Zorn over the years around here. It never got much interest, but until now I had no idea he wasn’t on streaming services as all my posts are my own music. Interesting…


“All of” is a relative term :wink:. Boomkat has nearly twice as many Zorn albums available for purchase as Qobuz has available to stream. And even they have only part of his output.


Sorry, I didn’t inventory the albums. I just noticed there were a lot of them. John Zorn is prolific and I’m not surprised not all of them are available. I’m not a Zorn fan but I am a huge fan of his music with the Dreamers. Also, much of his work on The Book of Angels where he collaborated with such a huge variety of artists. Pat Metheny on Tap is very good.

I confess, not a Zorn fan.

Oddly though Roon/Qobuz shows 8 of his albums but on Qobuz’s app there’s a large selection. :thinking:

There always seems to be a bit of a time lag between when the native Qobuz shows that a title is available and when Roon/Qobuz shows the same title as available. Patience, grasshopper, patience :grin:

I have close to 200 John Zorn recordings in my Roon library, which includes 35 Masada recordings. Of these I would say that around 60 of these recordings are NOT on Zorn’s Tzadik label.

The New Masada Quartet show that I saw last night at the Village Vanguard in NYC was excellent. Julian Lage is easily one of the best guitar players on the scene at the moment. Amazing technical ability coupled with an incredible improvisational sense. Think Chick Corea on guitar instead of piano.


Looks like these releases are on Apple Music and Tidal as well. Now just waiting for roon to sync up with Qobuz. I still can’t believe after all these years we still have this delay issue.

It’s a little weird. Search for “John Zorn” and you won’t find anything new ATM. But search for “New Masada Quartet” or a specific album, like “Spinoza”, and you’ll find they’re all there. Dunno what the deal with the Roon database is …

Edit: And now it’s live. Searching for “John Zorn” now works as expected.

Yeah, it just has to do with timing of the database sync. But what I don’t get is sometimes it takes days to show up. You’d think they’d run the sync several times a day. Never thought it looked good to be paying for secondary service that was worse than the original. If I have to end up using the native app, what’s the point of roon. But yes, now is show over 200 John Zorn albums. But ironically I don’t have anytime to listen. Maybe try a few at SoCal CanJam tomorrow.

Please give my regards to Jude and Ethan (my name is Ralph Pantuso).

We’ll see. I’m not that social. I’m just down in San Diego, so it’s a quick drive. I find the event somewhat overwhelming but I wanted to check out the ZMF room and see how my Caldera’s sound on a few systems. Maybe check out a few of the other top of the line headphones from other companies. I won’t do any of the presentations or anything and probably only stay a few hours.

I believe the album I used to test headphones with is Masada - The Circle Maker. Such a great album. But now seeing some of the anniversary Masada albums have even better sound quality. Really the best I’ve heard my Caldera. Vol 3 and Vol 4 are amazing.

This album is now available for streaming on Qobuz and most of the vendors use Qobuz in their setups. So you can demo lots of headphones and the associated electronics all while listening to the same music.

Thanks for the link.

Will be heading up there shortly. I do find it best to try the same few tracks across the different setups to get a better feel for how they compare. Jazz is not my usual genre, so I’ll need to pick out some good rock songs with nice bass.

I’m current using a Naim Atom HE and Focal booth has a few of those setup, so it makes it easier to try out my home setup against all the others. But I will be playing some Masada while there.

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I was looking at his discography and he’s released a new album every month in 2023. How is that even possible?