Just taken the plunge on Qobuz Sublime

Y[quote=“Sloop_John_B, post:3, topic:61666”]
Enjoying this, using the Qobuz website to hone in on some record labels - ACE in this case-


Where did you find this filter function on the website? I’m looking at the Qobuz website and app in the US, and can’t find a similar filter function.

Many thanks in advance for your assistance!

You can find it in the Qobuz Store. Unfortunately, doesn’t appear to be accessible on the Player page or in the apps.

Don’t know which country you’re located in, but this is the url for the U.S. page:

Whoops… missed the fact you’d already said you’re in the US.

BTW, the easiest way to bring up the filtering functions is to type a broad term into the search field (ie ‘jazz’, ‘hi-res’) and hit the Search button (w/o selecting one of the suggested results that will be offered). If your search is too narrow or specific, the filtering function doesn’t always show.

I am testing both but will drop one. I have been using my local library for HiFi and Apple Music for mobility (before that Zune and what ever was before that). I like the Hi Rez streaming and integration w/Roon. It’s great to compare the Hi Rez to see which I like vs. older CD versions (DCC, MFSL, 80s CDs, etc). I also filled a few holes and of course do a little bit of discover.

For Jazz I have found more on Qobuz but for Rock more on Tidal. I am learning towards the native hi Rez streams vs MQA.

The Submlime seems the way to go at same price (just pre-pay) plus ability to buy at reduced rate. Is there any other advantage?

Do new releases tend to appear on the streamer after several months? Or is there a big long lasting group of HiRez that never appear on the streamer? I would like the Kate Bush re-issues for example but can wait if they will eventually arrive.

With streaming I am buying less common CDs and pooling my spernd or many of these recentl reissue super deluxe boxes wtih 5.1

I simply cannot believe the moronic phrasing of this request to Qobuz. It just plain dumb to expect people to act favourably to requests that use pejorative words so freely.


That’s an excellent request to Qobuz, well articulated, but can I respectfully suggest that you use slightly less pejorative words such as dumb and moronic as these most likely cause umbrage to the reader and your perceptive request won’t get the attention it deserves.


Well, you’re the one who posted a feature that is only on the beta download site, and impossible to find. But I nonetheless appreciate knowing about it.

And yes, they would make more money if they had as good a download section built right into the app. It is a company that is not ready for prime time, but I probably offended you all over again by saying that.

It is illogical for Qobuz to have best features only on the beta web page, and lack the very features that you told us about in the main app.

Actually that was my attempt at humour with a slight Sunday school type lessson.

Rather looses it’s meaning seeing as you have deleted the post I was replying to, but people can probably guess the tones if your email to Qobuz from my response.

Here’s a good read,



No worries. I also deleted and withdrew my request to the company. I wouldn’t want to offend anyone by pointing out that they would sell more downloads by having the same features on the main app as on a beta page no one uses anymore. After all, around here, illogical software designs that lose money for the company (by having filters only to buy software and then only on a beta page that on one uses anymore) is actually considered to be brilliant design.

Or at least a design only with bugs and no design flaws, to use Roon-speak.

I did honestly appreciate your assistance, so thanks for that. Too bad all of these great features are only on the beta web page, and not the app, and presumably will disappear with the beta page.

I seeded Roon Radio with a Nina Simone track and was delighted to find that Roon Radio found numerous jazz vocal songs pulling about equally from Qobuz and Tidal. Will probably keep Qobuz after the trial and will definitely use Radio more.

You’re most welcome, Allan.

However I’m not quite sure why you believe that those search features will disappear when Qobuz US comes out of Beta. I may be misinterpreting your statements, but it seems that you think that only that one webpage is ‘beta’.

I’m fairly certain that Qobuz US is still beta in its entirety (website, webplayer & apps). And I’d like to think that the more full featured search functions will remain and be improved upon as time goes on. Your suggestions were excellent btw! (But it’s unfortunate that your passion interfered to the extent that those very good suggestions needed to be withdrawn).

Yes, Qobuz US is not ‘fully’ ready for prime time, but Qobuz has admitted as much openly on the forum and have thus not yet advanced it out of Beta status.

John, I apologize for our previous misunderstanding. Many thanks for bringing the search function to my attention. I never got around to withdrawing my request to Qobuz, and in the meantime they responded, and their response is quoted below. Jonathan is correct that it appears that Qobuz is working on expanding the search mechanism based on their response.

I have not tried these instructions, but provide it for you and others in the hope that it might be useful:


Thanks for contacting us. We are working hard to improve the search inside our native app.

In the meantime, if you begin your searches with "#hires" it will filter just the 24bit releases. For the moment this quality does not differentiate between streaming and download but this will be fixed soon (perhaps next week)

You can also use "#award" (to get only release with award)
Of course, you can combine #hires with #award “daft punk #award #hires

Soon you will be able to filter by genre. Thank you for your patience as we get off the ground in the US


And many thanks to Jonathan as well. And especially for your kind words. The tone of your posts is one that we should all emulate. Or at least I acknowledge that I should do so.

Is your reference to a forum a reference to this forum, or does Qobuz have its own forum? I ask because we might all learn about these hidden features in such a forum. The Qobuz web site doesn’t provide very much in terms of detailed guidance at this time.

Jonathan, you might consider sending in your own detailed request to Qobuz regarding how the search mechanism works in the download page, and what you would like to see integrated into the app. If they receive these suggestions from multiple users they will then know that multiple people value those specific features, thus increasing the likelihood of seeing them integrated into the app.

I can’t quite figure out why Qobuz is reinventing the wheel, so to speak, in the U.S. Wouldn’t their European apps, which I presume have ironed out all of these bugs, work equally well in the U.S. in english?

I spend and equal amount of time meandering between Roon forums and the AudiophileStyle.com forums and I admit that I sometimes forget in which one I’ve read a particular post. :grin:

A couple of Qobuz representatives are active on AudiophileStyle and offer occasional updates and answer questions (when they are able). At least one has posted here in the Roon forums. Link

I agree, folks should submit any and all suggestions and constructive criticism to Qobuz, and I believe they welcome that as well.

My annual subscription to Sublime+ is up next month, so I crunched some numbers on my purchases over the past year to see if it is worth renewing.

The savings from purchasing the Hi res version instead of the 16/44 version almost exactly equalled the total Sublime+ annual subscription cost. It absolutely paid for itself in savings over the CD quality offering on Qobuz. As you can imagine, my annual savings over the regular Hi res offering was substantially more…but I think Hi res prices are crazy high anyway, and I wouldn’t have purchased all I did if it was for the regular Hi res price… but if I could purchase those hi res albums for the price of the CD version and at the end of the day the Sublime+ subscription cost was basically free? I think it is worth another year’s subscription.

I purchased 16/44 downloads from them as well over the year and didn’t include those in my analysis. Just the hi res savings over the CD quality price.

have Sublime and is well worth it. I don’t need hardcopy CD’s anymore just want CD to Hi-Res quality. On average albums I get are $11 compared to the CD at $15. Some newer bands albums are at $8! I buy about 10-15 albums a month so the savings is huge

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