Karajan's '71/ '72 studio recording of "Tristan und Isolde"

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The metadata shown come from Karajan’s live recording of the Bayreuth Music Festival in 1952.

Hope this can be corrected soon.

Hello @Hauke_Holm

Thank you for reaching out to us. Can you provide a bit more detail regarding the metadata problem you’re attempting to report for this release?

Our metadata on this item indicates that it is the classic performance of Tristan und Isolde from the 1952 Bayreuth Festival. We believe that’s how it’s being presented in Roon.

I do not understand your point. The metadata shown on the album cover do indeed correspond to the 71/72 studio recording. Can you post a screenshot of the metadata you see for this album ?

Thanks Jamie and Andre.

Actually some of the metedata is correct e.g the song titles. However the cast mentioned is from the 1952recording and not from the studio version.

PS: I am travelling right now but can make some screenshots on Friday if needed.

I was wrong the cast is right. However the text displayed (see below) is not for the studio recording but for the '52 Bayreuth live recording. I’m sorry for the confusion.