Kassa Overall: Albums not by artist

Content you’re reporting an issue with

The Albums shown on the right, creditet to “Kassa” are not by Kassa Overall. They do not show up in an Artist Search in the Tidal or Qobuz app.

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?


Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

See Screenshot

Hi @Kopftelefon,

As always, we appreciate the heads up here. In taking a look at how this information is reflected by our streaming partners I found that Kassa is an accurate alias in our metadata providers’ and streaming partners’ side. The problem is there are multiple artists who use the name Kassa. Some of these appear to have been merged with Kassa/Kassa Overall.

Additionally, please understand that our metadata efforts are focused on system wide fixes. We don’t have the ability to jump into the metadata and make prescriptive changes. Because of this, making a manual edit to the album credits in your Roon library is often the quickest, most effective, way to address these small metadata annoyances.

You can edit the credits on this album to remove the Kassa credit, here’s how you do it:

Select the track by long-clicking or right clicking.

Click the ellipsis button at the far right hand side of the track.

Click edit

Click edit track

Click edit credits

Deselect incorrect credit

Click Save

That all there is to it!

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