Keep Alive in rooWatch does no longer kept alive

I am using rooWatch for 1 1/2 year and it has always worked great for me. I have “keep alive” on, so as soon I have rooWatch as the appearing app on my Apple Watch, I do always see, that Roon is playing in the chosen room. So far, so good.

But for the last several weeks, the Keep Alive feature does no longer kept alive. So “error” is not so important for me, so I waited that this will be working again maybe after some Roon Updates or so. But it does not.

I have disabled and enabled this feature back again in order to push this command, but this does not help.

Has anyone have the similar experience (error) and has a solution for it? Thank you very much

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Hi everyone,
please answer here in the support thread of rooWatch.