KEF R1 Meta with Lyndorf TDAI-1120 or 3400?

Hi, I am currently having a Lyndorf TDAI-1120 with the KEF LS50 Meta (which I think is a wonderful combination for my home office w/TV, Apple TV). For a (40 sqm) living room setup (w/TV, Apple TV, Radio) in our hideaway. I consider the KEF R1 Meta speakers and I wonder if the Lyngdorf TDAI-1120 is powerful enough or if the TDAI-3400 is better (from a power handling perspective). Pls advise if you have a view on this…

Both speakers have the same sensitivity at 85db. Minimum impedance is a bit lower for R1 meta at 3.2 Ohms vs 3.5 for LS50, but I don’t think that is a big deal. By the numbers and considering 1120 drives your LS50 just fine you should have no issues with R1.

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thanks @Alexandru_Capsa, well appreciated!

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