Khazul not functioning after 2.0 install?

i noticed that the Khazul extension was no longer funtioning to provide skipping, pausing, and stopping.

I have the latest version (3.67 +387) and it seems that the basic settings are still intact.

Just wondering if there were any parallel experiences out there and what you may have done to fix the problem. Many thanks.


Hi this was my biggest concern when I updated to 2.0
Khazul deepharmony is working fine for me but I had to restart the docker and restart the Roon core. Try to reboot your NAS and see how it goes. Hope this helps

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The harmony extension is running fine on my end as well after the upgrade to Roon 2.0. I have it installed on a RPi via the Extension Manager. What is your set-up?

Unfortunately I can’t get the Deep Harmony extension working after upgrading to 2.0. I just get the ‘No extensions discovered’ message. I have this installed as a console app on a Mac. Any suggestions to what I can do to try to get this working @Adam_Goodfellow?

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