KKBOX cannot play on Roon Core on Synology NAS

My Roon Core was built on a Synology NAS. No problem to play Tidal.
Recently the Roon provides KKBOX service support. I can login KKBOX from Roon and can see the songs. However, the song did not play when clicked.
I then installed a Roon Server on my PC and then login KKBOX form PC Roon Server. The KKBOX can function very well.
I think there could be some problem about the support of KKBOX by the Roon Core on Synology NAS. Could you please check it? Thanks!


Have your tried restarting the Roon server on the NAS? Not sure that it will help, but it probably won’t hurt either.

Yes, I tried restart the Roon server on NAS. It did not work.

I think he meant reboot the whole NAS.

I tried warm reboot (press reboot on DSM panel) and cold reboot (press shutdown on DSM panel, then power on NAS again). Both did not work.

I Have exactly the same problem–I checked Chris’s latest Roon NAS core built, the name suggested it was the 2022 October built, at a time when I think KKBox was still not supported by Roon, could that be the reason? I Guess Roon guys built the Core on PC and Mac, but the NAS core was built by Chris–so if nobody asked him to update to reflect the change, It just might not support it

Same problem here. KKBOX won’t play from Roon NAS on Synology.

A post was split to a new topic: Problem playing KKBOX streams

Hi Roon community!

I have resolved my KKBOX play issue on Synology NAS. Here is my environment info and what I did:

My Synology NAS : DS 920+
Roon Server on NAS : 2.0 (build 1388)
KKBOX account : Paid member
KKBOX subscription level : standard individual monthly plan with lossy music format
My laptop environment : Mac

Root cause :
Roon Server does not ship with patented codecs such as MP3 and AAC on any platform, so it relies on built-in system codecs.
if Roon doesn’t play the music, it could be that the codecs is missing or the built-in system codecs version is outdated. In my case, I guess there is just no specific codecs that the lossy music format needs in Synology NAS. This makes sense since NAS is not a general use computer, it won’t come with every possible codecs.

Below are my steps:

  1. Stop/disable Roon Server on Synology NAS.

  2. Go to John Van Sickle - FFmpeg Static Builds to download ffmpeg. Per recommendation, use git master build. I downloaded the version for i686 since DS 920+ has an Intel CPU.

  3. After decompress the downloaded file, copy only “ffmpeg” file to /RoonServer/RoonOnNAS/Bin/ folder in Synology NAS where the Roon resides.
    Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 5.45.25 AM

  4. Restart Roon Server on Synology NAS

Hope it helps and thanks Roon for providing this wonderful platform!


I have the same problem when I became a pay member, but it was alright when I was a free trial member.