Latest Mastery Series (7/100): Versions

According to the latest Mastery Series update, “To see other versions, just click on any album and open the Versions tab. You’ll see all the versions in your library, and if you have TIDAL or Qobuz enabled, Roon will also show you any versions from beyond your library […] This allows you to compare the details of each version – number of tracks, resolution, dynamic range, release date, and storage location.”

This would be great if it were entirely accurate.

While “Versions” will tell you the DR of albums stored as files on your local drive, it does not give this information about versions offered by your streaming service. Is there a technical barrier to Roon scanning album versions offered by Tidal and Qobuz to provide a DR?

What most of us know would be even better would be if these alternatives were more transparent as to release dates (and other re/mastering information) about various versions identified on the “Versions” tab.

I know that the services are the gatekeepers on this level of detail (if the distributors even deign to provide it), but if none of the players push for more complete information, no broader insights will ever be provided. (And yes, I have made my interest known to my streaming service…)

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