Let's talk about what's Moving and Grooving you today [2023-07]

I’ve found a big bug in latest Roon or at least Rock since last update its setting zones to 80 volume on reboot. All zones I have not used since I had to reboot due to arc killing core on Thursday night were all at 80. Tried serveral other reboots and it’s still setting some back to 80 even though I changed them. Just used my FiiO m11 and it deafened me. It’s ignoring volume limits. Be good to find out if this is just my core for some odd reason. My main systems don’t use Roon to control volume it’s done via My Harmony so did t notice. But I did have my office volume set to 80 on Friday but didn’t think about it until today then checked all my zones.

That works out good for you and also for her as she got some extra sales out of it :+1:
She has done quite a few
Listening to little black numbers on Bandcamp, it is good :+1:
It still lists the label as one little Indian , they changed it to one little independent because of complaints.

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I got another one this morning. Need to stop now got too many this month. Pay week madness.

Haven’t used Roon for a week , I am on early access will check it out. For me it would be a reduction from 100 %

If your fixed volume it won’t likely change. It’s just zones that have device volume in Roon.

It looks like it doesn’t it?
I’ll be seeing them at the Wokingham festival over the August bank holiday. My mate thinks they had a band drop out, so his band is the opening act on the Sunday. :sweat_smile:

It is very good. Two is very good to. Listening to Anthology at the moment.

Which one?

Anthology to get wider picture of her work. Shame it’s not the size of the cd box set just a sampler.

Can’t believe I have never heard of her she’s been making music since 1989 but I was not an avid folk listener back then.



Time for a bit of Billy(not the no mates one )

And a coffee to go with it.


One of my bargains yesterday.



:hearts: OHH still
Been on here over 5 years and still only a member not a regular , Roon must hate me posting vinyl all the time. :cry:


We love you even if Roon doesn’t. :innocent:

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That’s me on both counts :yawning_face:

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Music, check


Coffee, check

Out of :heart: for 4 hours, check


Got to ask why were you wearing @Peter_Bruderer headphones?
Have you had a lovers tiff with RBO and moved in with Peter :wink:


:shushing_face: Don’t let the secret out

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Quite liking these @Simon_Arnold3 :+1:


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The @rbo & @Michael_Harris romance didn’t need turning into a triangle of love :cry:


I’ll tell my mate I have made him a new fan.

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