Leverage library and streaming service metadata to create a "what's new" digest

Back in the day, Roon was heavily focused on highlighting the power of it’s metadata for music discovery. According to the marketing blurb, that’s still a core focus.

I think though, Roon is only scratching the surface of what’s possible with its data.

One off the biggest things I struggle with, is finding out when my library artists release something new on to whatever streaming platform I subscribe to.

To that end, I would love a regular digest of “What’s new” which is focused on comparing my library artists with the new release information provided by the streaming service and showing me this information me through a dynamically updated weekly/monthly update.

The “new release” pages of streaming services are a dramatically cut down version of what’s actually released, and awkward to browse. But we know the full release information is there as a manual search for a new release that doesn’t make it on to these page summaries does pull up the information.

So ideally, this digest feature would scan my library artists, cross reference what I don’t have in my library that is no older than (X) weeks from today’s date and present them to me in a format that would allow me to go ahead and add them to my library.

That is what this section is supposed to do. It highlights new releases by artists you already have in your library.

It does also add in albums it thinks you’ll like based on Valence suggestions.

I want an exhaustive check against my library.

That section doesn’t remotely come close to it.

That’s not to say New Releases For You doesn’t have merit. But it doesn’t do what I’ve described in the OP.