Library cleanup option

After a library cleanup last week, today I noticed some Tidal albums were missing. The albums were not removed from Tidal so maybe this is not related to the cleanup. But it would be a nice feature to see what’s in the list of ‘to be cleaned library files’. Now only the amount of files is visible.

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It’s probably directly related to it. Streaming services change release versions for many reasons and if the changed version is in your Roon library it will be removed.
This is why I no longer add Qobuz favourites to my Roon library, it’s too much effort keeping everything aligned.

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Then my point is even more relevant. It would be very nice to see what will be cleaned up in the library before hitting the button :put_litter_in_its_place: :wink:

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I don’t think this is the case. I have a number of albums that Qobuz has either changed the version or removed completely, and these are not affecting the list of “to be cleaned” library files. AFAIK, that list is only tracking tracks that you yourself explicitly delete from your library - it’s not affected by what Qobuz or Tidal do independently.


Thanks @Suedkiez. Also a good moment to give you a compliment on how alert and involved you are in the community, helping everyone with Roon issues!


I wonder. It lists currently 1783 tracks or so and always growing, and I don’t think I’ve manually deleted as many. But I’m not sure and as it refuses to tell me what these tracks are I’m reluctant to let it clean them up.

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I saw items needing to be cleaned when I had only added music to my library with Qobuz and Tidal and not removed anything, at that time I was a streaming only user of both services and did not use my local files in Roon at all. I think I went to play music I knew should be in my library and had to add the release again.

I created a new library of my own files only, removed all favourites from Qobuz itself and added Qobuz to Roon as a streaming service, but I add nothing from Qobuz to my library, it is there to compliment my own files.
So far I have nothing to clean as I only buy music now and add the files to my library.

That is my experience anyway.


Its been a feature request for years but as far as I remember it got little support. It’s probably not something a lot of users expect to use too often.

Missing files in your case are likely to be location changes in Tidal’s catalogue, don’t forget currently Tidal is replacing it’s MQA stock with FLAC Hi Res files so it’s quite likely that file paths will change until that process is complete. It’s those file paths that Roon stores . Like @Grasshopper I don’t add favourites to my library from Tidal for that reason

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The request I linked above has 58 votes, which at least puts it into the midfield. Considering the frequent and justified unhappiness of users about unavailable streaming tracks, I’d argue that Roon really needs a solution to 1) find them and 2) at least allow to copy user metadata (credit edits, play counts, etc) from the unavailable release to the new one, if they can’t be replaced automatically by Roon


59 votes now :wink:


I’m out of, sadly :slight_smile:

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Sorry but the list grows if you have streaming versions connected to your Roon library and they are removed it even says so in the cleanup section. It they are removed they will pop up in the files to clean up. If it’s swapped it won’t as it’s still present in your library even though the link is no longer valid to play it. Since not having any favourites in streaming I don’t get this changing unless I remove an album myself from my storage.

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If you want to test this, you can create a “Disabled” directory to move physical files into. This will result in new entries in your “Library → Clean up library” that should match what you disabled. FWIW, I have ~25,000 tracks in my “Disabled” directory now, and have never had issues running “Clean up library”.

The Qobuz issue where they continually replace Redbook albums with “HiRes” versions is an issue. It’s not uncommon to find an album in your Library that has every track marked “Unavailable”, forcing you to check Versions and re-add it again (and losing the ability to compare the 16/44.1 against the new “HiRes” version [<- big question mark here]). The moment you add the new HiRes version, Roon removes the 16/44.1 version, typically resulting in orphaned metadata in your Library. At least, this is my finding, which has forced me to run “Clean up library” frequently.

Hope this rambling makes sense. Yes, I’m all for a (simple) report that tells us EXACTLY what’s orphaned in our Libraries. I’m also for removing the ridiculous limit on “Votes”, which must, at the very least, return our Vote once Roon marks something “Complete” (there’s no argument for even having “Vote” that makes any sense),



Well, OK, but it’s not my experience. I currently have 12 Qobuz albums that have been removed by Qobuz, and zero files to clean up…

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You can always retract a vote from a suggestion, which will make it available again.

The problem with unlimited votes is that a relatively small of number frequent users would vote 100+ times and thereby bury the votes of more casual users. I don’t think that the limit is a hindrance to the statistical bubbling-up of the most frequently requested features. The bigger problem is that apparently Roon‘s resources didn’t allow them to continually implement at least a selection of the most frequent ones. Maybe this gets better now.

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The fact that there is no clarity on this is in itself a problem


Vigourously seconded!


In most cases it helps to first re-identify the album.
Although metadata does not necessarily change, Roon will write in its DB, whilst picking up the right (new) album from Qobuz.
If the Hirez version is chosen (Qobuz normally has a cd version too for each (most) Hirez album(s), your Library should be updated by the identification proces.
One can always add the cd version, if available in Qobuz (most cases)

P.S. I have stopped adding Qobuz albums (for the long time) to my library. Too many issues, sometimes small, sometimes extremely annoying, but never consistent.
I listen to Qobuz (and regurarily buy an album) , and I know I can find artist/album when I want.
Much easier for my mindset.

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I second the motion from the floor. :+1: