Library size difference

Can anyone explain why my library size on the Roon app on my MacBook Air says 2518 albums, my Roon Arc app on my Android Pixel 17 says 2518 albums and my Roon app on that same phone says 2503 one minute ago and 2504 10 minutes ago? Besides its different, it also seems to be inconsistent over time…

Library size from the home page or albums page? If album page check all devices are all set to show or not show hidden/duplicates in settings.

If different on home page it may be tied to the current issue they have with compilations and various artists which seems to cause a number of database oddities. They know about his but don’t seem to have done much about it yet or given a timeline. It’s been like this for months.

Thanks @CrystalGipsy !
Seemed that hidden/duplicates setting was different among the apps. Now it’s all showing correctly.

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