Link an Album to a Composition

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So i have some recordings of Turandot. I tagged it as good as i am able and im happy with everything, exept it does not seem to register the “Work”. What i mean is if i got to this page

The new album won’t show up. I tried it with the Tag “Work” - “Turandot” and “Turandot, opera”:


Is the album identified in Roon?


Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?


If anyone knows how to link an Album to the composition, that would be huge for me.

Kind Regars,

You can link tracks to a composition, as far as I know you there are no album compositions.

For the tracks:

The track must be recognized as being a composition. This requires that the track has a composer, but in some cases this isn’t sufficient. The indicator for whether a track is properly recognized as a composition is that the track has a „Go to composition“ entry in its three-dots menu. (Let me know if it doesn’t).

Even if the track is a composition, Roon may sometimes not automatically associate it with a pre-existing canonical database entry for this composition. In this case, go to the sidebar > My library > Compositions. Filter for both compositions and select both of them together (the canonical one and the one that was created by the new track). There will be a „Merge compositions“ button top right. Click it and choose the canonical composition to merge into.

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Thank you so much, appriciate it

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